Friday, January 29, 2010

The Great Varahi Devi

Sree Varaahi Devi is one of the seven divine Mother forms (Saptha Mathas) who is worshipped by many. She is the commander in chief of the cavalry force of Sree Raja Rajeswari. She also appears as the Thandini or the person who punishes with a round stick. When She comes on Her silver white horse with the reins in Her left hand and with a sword pulled out in Her right hand She appears as the AswarudaParameshwari or the Horsefaced Parameshwari.

Though She is one of the Saptha Mathas the legend is that She is also worshipped as the form of AdiParasakthi by the Devas (Gods) and the Supreme Trinity.

Since Sree Varaahi is also a part of Sree Saraswathi She is also considered as the Supreme Queen of promises, communication, prosperity, growth and judgment. She is the epitome of affection and sympathy. She is also called as Varthali as She strengthens the communicative powers of her children and devotees and reduces the communication powers of enemies of Her children.

Such a powerful deity appears in a peaceful form in our temple with a Knife, Conch, Palm scripts and Trishul armed in Her four hands and seated on a bull ( mahisha vahana).Described as “Deveem Nithyaprasannam” in devotional literature, She is known for granting boons to Her devotees answering their prayers at all times.

If one wants fame and prosperity one needs to pray to Sree Varaahi. To ensure peace, triumph of truth over evil and to enable growth we need to pray to Sree Varaahi. Let us pray to her to ave the world from destruction. Surrender yourself to Sree Varaahi and benefit from receiving bountiful of her blessings for wealth and prosperity.

According to Vishwasara Tantra, whatever is present in occultism, is also present elsewhere, but what is not present in it, not present anywhere else. According to Kamkagama of Shaiva Soddhanta : A Tantra (ooult) is so said because it expands those great meanings, which are full of Tatva (elements) and Mantras (Charms), and protects. The Hindi word Tantra also means shortening or abridging that is, like the symbols of algebra, shortening or abridging of facts into mantras or sutras (formulae) In the words of John Wudruff (Shakti and Shakta) : Tantra (occult) is, by its nature, an encyclopedic discourse. It is totally practical and has nothing to do with jargons. It kindles the light of knowledge and subsequently shows the path, treading on which one can achieve his goal. Through Tantra (occult) human being can awaken his internal spiritual power. In the words of Philip Rhodson : Tantra (occult) is a specific expression of Indian soul, art and religion. Tantra (occultism) is a cult of joy that is concentrated on the philosophy of the universe’s juvenility (youthfulness). Consequently all the lifestyles, rituals incentation, philosophy, signs and symbols that are related to occultism, concentrated on this philosophy thus, occultism has an independent, specific and mysterious point of view which is not possible to express or explain by brief definition, nor such an attempt helps to understand the vastness of Tantra Shastra. There are five major parts of cult as per the occultism. These are

  1. Patal,
  2. Paddhati,
  3. Kavacha,
  4. Sahastranama and
  5. Stotch.

Among them, the fourth that is Sahastranama specifies all kinds of devotions which are the means to achieve different physical and spiritual perfection that in turn have supreme importance in occult. There are well-organised methods through which a person achieves perfection. By the fifth virtue Strota or recitation of God’s name is meant different procedures like Marana, Mohana, Uchhatana etc. which are performed to achieve various goals. In the sixth virtue (Shatakarma) are included 1) Marana, 2) Mohana, 3) Uchchatana, 4) Keelana, 5) Viheshana and 6) Vashikarana, which are the Mantra knowledge of occultism, recitation of which forms the active or practical part of occultism. The seventh virtue is Dhyanayoga, whish shows different kinds of deliberation on Dhyana and practice of yoga (which is the foundation of Tantra knowledge.) Training of the body is the basic principle of Tantra knowledge, because of which Yoga is regarded as an indispensable part of occultism. Accumulation of all the physical capacities and their concentration to gain knowledge is the basic system of Yoga and Dhyana. Various rituals are considered as essential for the perfection of these two. In the tantra cult, therefore, Mantra, Yantra, Yoga, Dhyana and Samadhi etc. are accepted as indisoensable means to achieve perfection.


The first and foremost important part of Tantra is Mantra. Mantra is infact the life of the Tantra, training, which through a well-designed methodology on can achieve worldly or ultra-worldly objectives. According to Tantra, the letters from A to Gya form the alphabet which is the direct medium of power and the root of cryptic mantras. Mantras formed by them as per the Tantrik (occultism) principles, take the shape of direct energy that causes supernatural spiritual upliftment.
Mantras are the most powerful media to free the practices from illusion or ignorance. In broader sense, all the verbal knowledge comes within Mantra, But in specific occultist sense, Mantra are assumed to show all kinds of expressed or mute sounds. From the explosion caused by the training of Mantras, extremely small power-waves or vibrations result that take the practicer to him goal. Through the Mantra itself, a practicer, mingles his own existence with the eternal power. According to Sharada Tilak Tantra, something through which the world feels and experience knowledge and gets free from the worldly bonds is Mantra. Mantra or recitational worship is of three kinds :
1) Vachika - Verbal recitation
2) Upanashm - Recitation in low voice
3) Manasik - Recitation of Mantra with out voice or Mental recitation.

Tantra (occultism) recognizes the mental recitation only as the main mental recitation of Mantra is capable to awaken the latent or dormant divine forces present in the practicer. Thus in away, Tantra or the knowledge of occult yet another name for the correct knowledge of Mantra and the perfection of the processes related to it. And the purposes of Mantra is express the mystical feeling and knowledge of occultism in phonetic symbols.


The second indispensable part of occultism is Yantra, that means expression through mystical depiction of figures or shapes, such as Mantra is a phonetic expression. In the cult of occultism worship of Yantra is regarded as essential. Yantra are hence assumed as the symbols of highly spiritual and mystical powers. The word yantra has originated from the root yama that means to regularise, to control or to concentrate. In occult yantra is a means, with the help of which a desired perfection is achieved. It is through the Yantras that the practicer concentrates his internal and external forces and achieves his unification with the God of the Yantra or Mantra.


Unknown said...

Can you please send me the Sanskrit Text copy.. of
varahi kavach i will be thankful...

Unknown said...

Can we keep varahi photo at home

Unknown said...

Which day to worship varahi Amman

Shael said...

For any clarification call 9356088862

Unknown said...
